Saturday, July 11, 2009

Good Luck, Mom!

Jenny leaves for Chicago with the boys in three days. She's getting nervous. Here are some pictures to distract her.

Markers 1, Finn 0

Grey and dad on the fourth of July.

We got a bitchin' deal on a couple Smart Cars.
Grey rock climbing with Grandpa.
A boy and his snacks.

Ahhhh, memories...
Grey Googling his nose.
Hey Jenny - You'll do fine! We love you!

Saturday, June 27, 2009

Grey and Dick Cheney

If I don't eat the cheddar bunnies, the terrorists win!

Sunday, May 31, 2009

Bring Back Mommy!!!

It's been three days since Jenny went back to Kansas for her Grandfather's funeral. I really wish I could have been there. Grandpa C was a great guy.

So far the house is still standing and the boys are in two pieces (one each, don't worry). We've been filling our days with errands and other miscellaneous activities. Grandma & Grandpa B were very helpful on Friday. They watched the boys so dad could get some work done and brought some great food over.

Their playhouse is open for business again. The grass is settled enough that it can handle the traffic of a couple 19 month olds. They were so happy to have their house back and to splash around in the sand and water table. We took their tricycle (ok, it's technically a quadcycle) out in the courtyard for a spin. They love pushing their way up the hill and coasting down backward. Here are some pictures from today.

We've had a lot of fun, but we miss mama. I always knew she had a hard job, but now I understand a little more. We're so lucky to have such an amazing wife and mother. We can't wait to see her tomorrow!

This past week was so busy, we didn't get around to posting. Joey came up to visit from LA. It was her first time meeting the boys. We had a great time. It's hard to believe it's been so long since we've seen each other. What better way to break in the patio than drinks with an old friend. Here are a couple pictures from our attempt at sightseeing - we're still not sure exactly what to show people that have yet to visit Seattle.

Sunday, May 17, 2009

And now, the back yard.

What is this? Some kind of gardening blog? Yeah, I know... You came for toddlers. And toddlers ye shall have. Just indulge me for a minute.

Holy crap. Check out this yard. It started as mulch and plants. Last year, grass made a brief appearance. Spring 2009? Just dirt and plants.

And now this. Behold. Yard v 4.0 (cue dramatic music).

Anyway, back to Finn and Greydom. It was a tough week for Mom. The boys officially moved from two naps to one. That meant no rest for mom for four days. Things are back on track with a nice three hour around noon.

Here they are at the Ballard Farmers Market. The wagon ran out of gas. Finn pushed Grey to safety.

After lunch and a long nap, they were off to Ikea to do some shopping.

Where Grey had his first run in with a soft server frozen yogurt cone.

The cone won.

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Happy Mother's Day

Mom and the boys. Clothes always come off after sand and water table time. House rules. You've been warned.

This about sums up dad's day out with the boys. Finn has a cold. Poor guy. Here they are at Golden Gardens. That's Grey in the background digging for more snacks.

Busy weekend. We laid a new patio in our yard Saturday. What a pain in the crapper. Friday night was the excavation. Saturday was everything else: gravel, compact, gravel, compact, whine, lay pavers, adjust, expletive, adjust... We couldn't have done it without Grandma & Grandpa B's help. Grandma watched the boys with Jenny while Grandpa & Jason worked on the patio. The results were quite rad. Yeah, yeah I know. We still have lots of work to do.

Coincidentally, if you know of anyone in the Seattle area in the market for 2 cubic yards of free, high quality top soil, I may have a hook up.

Feeling very zzzzzzz. Off to bed.

Friday, May 8, 2009

The Cutest Thing in the World

Go ahead. Disagree. I dare you.

Thursday, May 7, 2009

18 Month Checkup

Things that weigh 20.9 lbs:

Tanaka TBL-4160 Backpack Blower

SharpVision XV-Z9000U Projector

RCF L15P540 Subwoofer

Finn! (Shh, I'm sleeping)

Further findings...
The following are 31.25" in length.

Cold Steel Knives Small Sword (Blade Only)

This 4 Tier Glass Bathroom Shelf in Chrome (Note: finish does not affect height)

This Petite Black Appaloosa Mare


Greetings and/or salutations. The boys had their 18 month checkups on Cinco de Mayo. All is well. Healthy, if not a little petite. Finn's working on closing the size gap. Leading with his head, which is now the same size as Grey's. There's only a 1.25" / 1.7 lb size difference now (methinks your measuring devices are off, doctor). Just one shot each this time.
Grey is signing please now, and using it correctly... "Book please". "Eat please". There have been reports of Finn feeding Grey Veggie Booty. They both scream at the top of their lungs when they're mad, happy, sitting, etc. Awesome.

Sunday, May 3, 2009

...And we saw FIVE whole animals!

Finn, Grey & Dad met up with Mom post Sunday afternoon movie and headed to the zoo. We managed to completely bypass the new penguin exhibit and worked our way down to the Family Farm.

But I don't want to pet it!

No pictures, but Grey actually waved "hi" to the orangutans. From there it was pretty much a mad dash to the exit. And before we knew it, the day was done. Time to head home for dinner, baths and bed.

Thursday, April 30, 2009

For your viewing pleasure

Carpooling toddlers. Ava & Jonas with Finn & Grey. Avi waiting patiently.

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Stream of Consciousness Post

Ok. Things the boys can do are as follows.

Finn can sign more, change, milk, eat, sleep.
Grey can sign more, change, milk, eat, sleep, book, all done.

They like to find each others belly buttons. And their own noses, heads, mouths ears and eyes (sort of).

When you sign "change", Grey will lay down to get his diaper changed. Pretty sweet.

They both shake hands now. And flush toilets. When you ask them how big they are, they raise their arms over their heads while you say "so big!".

Grey likes to wash his hands, which is just good manners with all the handshaking going on. Not to mention the swine flu.

They love climbing stairs. They're actually stepping up stairs with help.

Grey consistently says baby and hi. He screams hi, which is pretty hilarious. They both use a kind of multi purpose word - "dtee" - for all sorts of things. I think it's a noun. Oh yeah, they're also on waving hi and bye.

They hug each other. Hugging is mostly leaning forward to touch/bonk heads, although Finn tries to hug with outstreched arms. Grey uses hugs as pseudo apologies after stealing toys from Finn.

They kiss. Us, not each other. When we ask for a kiss, they pucker up and oblige 60% of the time. I know that's technically a D-, but cut 'em some slack.

There's a new game in town. They both run back and forth across the room. One at a time. It's like a batton race.

That's it. We should probably get and post some video sometime.

PS - We miss you Myke

Sunday, April 26, 2009

Family Fun Day

No caption required

"My only hope for today is that we get a good shot of them in the flowers" - Dad before leaving the house today. At least the weather and the company were good (hi Mike, Renee & Olive!). We survived the perilous drive up to the Tulip Festival, despite the wicked horrible driving of some lady in a Range Rover beside us. After a great waterfront picnic (I challenge anyone to top the veggie burger from
The Calico Cupboard. Nothin' doin'.), we headed over to the tulip fields to take in the sights.

Yesterday was Dad's day out with the boys. I love those days. We picked up a couple inflatable balls from Target and headed down to Greenlake. The balls may be a little on the large size (you be the judge), but they still had fun. The stroller stole the show, though. They really got a workout pushing it around.

I really wish we could have been back in Chicago for Ted's memorial service on Saturday. It's easy to feel so close in such a connected world, but times like this make you realize how insurmountable distance can feel. Ted was one of the nicest, most genuine, warmest people you could ever hope to meet. So many great memories. One of a kind. We'll miss you, Ted.

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

We're 18, People! 18!!!

Yep, 18 months today. What better way to celebrate than a picnic in the park? Warm weather, wagons, whole milk... The finer things in life. With age comes new tricks. Finn is more than happy to shake your hand. Just make sure it happens before he puts his hand down the business end of his diaper. Hope you like onesies, Finn... You'll be wearing them until you learn the value of a clean hand. Nothing much else going on, so feast your eyes on a few recent photos.

What does Grey know that we don't?

Who's that big boy struttin' his stuff in the park?

Finn haz question?

Grey had a ball at Olive's 2nd birthday party (har har, and har).

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Finn and Grey World Tour 2009!

Dates: Chicago July 14 - 28, 2009

Grey will be performing new signs including "book" and "change". Finn will amaze all with his new hand shaking skills.